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Photo Mania


I take photos. LOTS of them. Since our move to the Oregon coast, rarely a day goes by without my snapping pictures. I do admit that many of them are of our grandkids. However, after collecting several thousand (yes, you read that right) of photos, I felt I shouldn't hoard them all to myself. I also realized that they needed an appropriate verse to point to the One who made all this beauty possible. I hope you agree!

Garibaldi, Oregon

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Feb 02, 2023

Ðost thou ķnowest, my just and fair liege, wōt the wurd 'MORṬAL' means? So maŋy dont: 'Dream your dreams about what YOU want to do in Heaven; dare to ask for the impossible and all the gifts YOU have ever wanted from Me. Expect Me to hear YOU and fulfill your every desire' -Jesus •(from 'Lui et Moi' [He and I] by Gabrielle Bossi, trænslatêd)• Follow us to the Wedding Feast for a raw, rowdy, rambunctious reality: ☆ ☆

Feb 02, 2023
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I'll VitSee you Upstairs, dear, where we'll RITE oemnillions-O-novels... if you 1. love Jesus; 2. love thy neighbor; 3. pray for 'em as I do you - y'ain't called Christian fir nthn, dear. Q: wanna live in the Great Beyond and RITE atrocious-roller-derby/røkket-füel-wurdz-4-God, Civilization's Psychoanalyst?? A: trust-N-jesus!!! Thus, we won't have any trouble stickin' our Bore E. Alice in craZZy 7thHeaven (and other, pricelessXplosiveXponentials, ya gorgeous, wild flower you). sHe's also an eternity of paper/pens + EightHundredEighty8 hours-per-day + Time's totally irrelevant'n 7thHeaven = Wot'dyagot if you turn 8 on her side?? ETERNITY!! WooHooXtraGnarlyNRG!!! GottaGobbaLottaAltVividBooks2boot!!! Love ya... Cya soon... be@peace... -Sto'Bot


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